Friday, November 7, 2014

Magritte's Marvelous Hat

This book told the story of Magritte who was a painter. One day, he went for a stroll and saw a marvelous hat in a window of a store. This was a special hat, one that floated above his head. His new hat made painting very easy and he began painting his best pictures ever. Magritte’s hat liked to play games with him and would pretend to fly away. But Magritte continued to paint day and night because of how good they were and he began to forget about his hat. Making the hat upset, it took off and hid from Magritte. This gave him an idea! To get his hat back, he must play his favorite game- which was hide and seek. Finally Magritte’s hat came back and sat on his head, making him float in the sky. But every afternoon, would paint and they would become his best picture yet.

This picture book is probably one of the coolest picture books I have ever seen and will definitely be in my classroom library. I think this books is good for elementary grades kindergarten through fourth. Picking up this book, you wouldn’t expect much from it. The title is not really interesting and the illustration is not spectacular. But when you open this book, there are surprises along the way. This book would be really good to use as an example for your students to never judge a book by its cover- literally. Some of the pages in the book are see through! They have illustrations that go with the one page and when you turn the page the illustrations correlate with the words on the next page. It is one of the most creative and unique picture books I have ever seen. This book is a must to show my future students.

Magritte's Marvelous Hat
Author: D. B. Johnson
Year Published: 2012 

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